We generate a Gaussian ARMA model.
A model spec can be fitted to data with the generic command
copspec <- armacopula(pars = list(ar =0.01, ma =0.01))
margspec <- margin("norm")
fullspec <- tscm(copspec, margspec)
modfit <- fit(fullspec, data1, method = "full")
#> object class: tscmfit
#> _______
#> name: gauss
#> parameters:
#> mu sigma
#> 0.5845416 2.1558708
#> _______
#> object class: armacopula
#> name: ARMA(1,1)
#> parameters:
#> ar1 ma1
#> 0.9380637 -0.8255022
#> _________________________
#> summary of all estimates:
#> ar.ar1 ma.ma1 margin.mu margin.sigma
#> 0.9380637 -0.8255022 0.5845416 2.1558708
#> convergence status: 0 , log-likelihood: -2135.118
copmod <- sdvinecopula(basefamily = "joe",
kpacf = "kpacf_arma",
pars = list(ar = 0.9, ma = -0.8),
maxlag = 20)
vcopmod <- vtscopula(copmod,
Vtransform = V2p(delta = 0.5, kappa = 2))
margmod <- margin("slaplace",
pars = c(mu = 1, scale = 2, gamma = 0.7))
tscmmod <- tscm(vcopmod, margmod)
#> object class: tscm
#> _______
#> name: slaplace
#> parameters:
#> mu scale gamma
#> 1.0 2.0 0.7
#> _______
#> object class: vtscopula
#> ____________
#> Base copula:
#> object class: sdvinecopula
#> name: stationary d-vine
#> kpacf: kpacf_arma
#> base family: joe
#> - positive and negative rotations: 0 0
#> - maximum lag is 20
#> parameters:
#> ar ma
#> 0.9 -0.8
#> ____________
#> V-transform:
#> name: V2p
#> parameters:
#> delta kappa
#> 0.5 2.0
First fit a marginal model only.
Now fit the time series copula model stepwise.
tscmfit_step <- fit(tscmmod, data2)
#> object class: tscmfit
#> _______
#> name: slaplace
#> parameters:
#> mu scale gamma
#> 1.0949524 2.0237699 0.6761895
#> _______
#> object class: vtscopula
#> ____________
#> Base copula:
#> object class: sdvinecopula
#> name: stationary d-vine
#> kpacf: kpacf_arma
#> base family: joe
#> - positive and negative rotations: 0 0
#> - maximum lag is 20
#> parameters:
#> ar ma
#> 0.9051608 -0.7960986
#> ____________
#> V-transform:
#> name: V2p
#> parameters:
#> delta kappa
#> 0.500000 2.383484
#> _________________________
#> summary of all estimates:
#> ar ma vt.kappa margin.mu margin.scale margin.gamma
#> 0.9051608 -0.7960986 2.3834841 1.0949524 2.0237699 0.6761895
#> convergence status: 0 , log-likelihood: -4794.001
#> ar ma delta kappa mu scale gamma
#> 0.9051608 -0.7960986 0.5000000 2.3834841 1.0949524 2.0237699 0.6761895
#> ar ma delta kappa mu scale gamma
#> 0.9 -0.8 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.7
Final optimization over all parameters.
tscmfit_full <- fit(tscmfit_step, data2, method = "full")
#> object class: tscmfit
#> _______
#> name: slaplace
#> parameters:
#> mu scale gamma
#> 1.0949047 1.9908152 0.6811999
#> _______
#> object class: vtscopula
#> ____________
#> Base copula:
#> object class: sdvinecopula
#> name: stationary d-vine
#> kpacf: kpacf_arma
#> base family: joe
#> - positive and negative rotations: 0 0
#> - maximum lag is 20
#> parameters:
#> ar ma
#> 0.9035789 -0.7964695
#> ____________
#> V-transform:
#> name: V2p
#> parameters:
#> delta kappa
#> 0.500000 2.319719
#> _________________________
#> summary of all estimates:
#> ar ma vt.kappa margin.mu margin.scale margin.gamma
#> 0.9035789 -0.7964695 2.3197187 1.0949047 1.9908152 0.6811999
#> convergence status: 0 , log-likelihood: -4793.906
Comparison of model.
We can plot the estimated v-transform and well as the goodness-of-fit
plots for the dvinecopula
object based on Kendall rank
The first plots relate to the fitted copula.
The next plot is the QQplot of the marginal fit.
The next two plots are the estimated v-transform and the estimated volatility profile function.
The final plot shows aspect of the fit of the v-transform to the data.